Scott is an excellent teacher and this was definately painting bootcamp. He encouraged us to just get infomation and not try for finished paintings. He also wanted us to keep our studies to 20 minutes to keep from noodling them too much. I was out of my element with the amount of green that there was in front of me. He said that Sargeant said that if you can paint green, you can paint any thing. He also reminded us that red is the most underused modifier of green.
I have a couple that I was happy with, most of them were not what I would call a success. I plan on posting my notes and some of his demos, but this will have to do for now.
This is some really good painting, Les. Not a one of them is a 'frisbee.' I'm looking forward to seeing your notes!
Thanks Michael. I didn't post the frisbees. I kept them though as they still had some good info. I have a job ahead of me to get my notes together and sorted out. Thanks for stopping by.
Les, I love the paintings from the workshop and thanks for sharinf your story about the frisbees. Sometimes I get frustrated thinking every single thing I do should be good - some times it just doesn't work out that way.
Les, your workshop work is excellent. Yes, those workshops can be totally depleting, but how wonderful they are. Thanks for sharing.
Les I know what you mean about green . I'm surrounded by it here in the pacific northwest. Looks like you got some awsome experience in the workshop. It can only help.
For 20 min oil sketches these are great!
BTW I borrowed your frisby designation for failed paintings but I give you the credit. I have a growing pile of shingles about 50 feet off my back deck.
Hi Les,
All nice work here Les...a few really nice pieces in there as well. Your workshop was with one of the best there is so any knowledge you gain from that experience would be well worth the hassles of cranking out a few bad ones. In fact, painting a few bad ones in trade for anything learned in the workshop is something I think any of us would willfully do.
Painting all of that desert and then suddenly jumping into all of that green must have been an eye opener for you. I'm sure you will use a lot of what you've learned and heck, you were good before you went there can only get better!
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