Monday, June 18, 2007


Well I made it to the Tetons. What a magnificent place to do some plein air painting. There is something to paint at every turn of the head. I am not sure I can do it justice. It is quite humbling just to be here. I spent the day yesterday scouting some possible locations and snapping some pictures for possible studio works.

I woke up this morning to a temperature of 32 degrees. Brrrrrr......... When I left Phoenix it was 85 degrees at night. I brought along an extra quilt but didn't think I would need it last night. I know better now. Today marks the first day of boot camp. I am a little nervous. I get a little uptight at these workshops. I told Melissa yesterday that I just don't want to look stupid. It is kind of rediculous, if I already knew everything I wouldn't need to be here.


Anonymous said...

Les, That white stuff on top of the moutains is snow... I think Arizona has cooked your South Dakota brain! Have Fun!

rob ijbema said...

wow look at that scenery!
you lucky....
painting with a master
working on loosening up no daubt
have a great time les

Anonymous said...

Les, It looks beautiful there. Sending you great thoughts...
Post something when you get a chance, we're curious!!
--Lauren P

Ron Guthrie said...

Hi Les, You sure have some wonderful scenery to work. Your work on WC is awesome so don't sweat the workshop at all.

You have all the right and talent to be there so just concentrate on taking in all that passes in front of you....and have fun!

les lull said...

I forgot what that white stuff looked like. I think that may be a good thing.

les lull said...

This is God's country. I felt really lucky to have the priviledge of learning from someone of Scott's caliber.

les lull said...

I appreciated your words of encouragement Ron. It felt like my eyes were going to cross at times because of all there was to look at.